Tuesday, February 16, 2010

PNC :: Legislature Passes Buildup Resolution

PNC :: Legislature Passes Buildup Resolution

Thursday, 11 February 2010

Guam - The Guam Legislature unanimously passed a resolution Thursday afternoon, which functions as the official comment on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement from the body.

The resolution is authored by Senator Rory Respicio, Senator Judith Guthertz, and Speaker Judi Won Pat. All other senators are co-sponsors. Resolution No. 275 outlines many concerns raised about the DEIS and makes recommendations for Congress to address long-standing local issues in light of the coming military buildup.

A delegation of Senators are planning to present the resolution personally in Washington D.C. in March.

Lawmakers from both sides of the aisle worked together to agree on the language included in the resolution. Two days of working sessions were conducted, allowing the body to come to a consensus on the important document. Among the issues requested to be addressed are:

· Self-determination

· Unreturned ancestral lands

· War reparations

· Inclusion in the Supplemental Security Income program

· Exemption from the Jones Act

· Removal of caps from Medicaid and all federally mandated public assistance programs

· Full reimbursement for impact costs as a result of the Compacts of Free Association

· Cleaning-up of environmental hazards that were created or augmented by the federal government

· Full participation in economic stimulus legislation

· Establishment of a secure Guam-only visa waiver program

· Inclusion of the Philippines, Russia and China in the Visa-Waiver Program

· Reimbursement for Earned Income Tax Credits paid or owed

The Legislature also asserted a number of findings it is requesting to be honored:

* Executive and Congressional intervention mandating the Department of Defense present a revised DEIS that can be reviewed and commented on
* Reconcile inconsistencies with DoD studies and those from the General Accountability office regarding the military buidup
* Establish a Civil-Military Advisory Council
* Asses the need for an omnibus appropriations bill addressing the needs of the buildup
* Conduct a proper and accurate assessment on the additional revenue that will be collected as a result of the buildup
* Allow the reimbursement of all Medicare and Medicaid costs incurred by U.S.-accredited health care facilities in the Republic of the Facilities
* Create a full fledged U.S. Veterans Affairs Office
* Allow Guam to control its Exclusive Economic Zone

Written by : News Release

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